martes, 13 de marzo de 2012



The first article in my life was written eight years ago, it was called INDIGNATION. I could have never imagine that I would repeat the same headline for the same topic.

Yesterday was the anniversary of 11-M Madrid, and 11- M Japan. But now I have to talk about Madrid.

I am in Brisbane, Australia, and yesterday I watched the News and no one talked about the heaviest tragedy in the History of Spain which happened in 2004.

In Madrid, Al Qaeda put ten bombs which were detonated on a Thursday morning in four trains and the terrorists without a qualm. Two hundred people were killed without any motives and I find it outrageous that in The NQ

Moreover, when I talked with one of my Australian friends he didn't know anything about this dramatic event... and one of his answers was: “I didn’t know about it but in Bali we have people which are murdered every year”.

I thought he must have been joking because two hundred people dead when they were going to work, to school, or wherever...  it is something worthy of knowing. Anyway, for sure, no murder can be compared.

The truth is I cant understand how a crazy killer group one day could “decide to kill people”, the same group who killed two thousand people in New York a few years before. They are the only guilty here, besides the ignorance.

I´m really sorry for generalization, I will always be proud to be Spanish because we are considerate and we have a lot of culture. And even though our Journalism can some times be considered biased  but it tries to tell what is happening in the World.

Thus, I remember that day because all of us went in those trains, I remember that day because all of us have to know this awful event, I remember that day because it was a historic day and it cannot be forgotten.
These words, from Australia, are for them.

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